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5 Hydration Mistakes to Avoid in Rally Racing

Part of my Decoding Dakar Journey

As part of my Decoding Dakar journey, I’ve been learning all about hydration and fueling to stay sharp behind the handlebars during those long, grueling rally stages. I’ve made plenty of hydration mistakes in my time—and if you’ve ever ridden with me, you probably know which one (spoiler alert: I was that guy who always needed to pee). To save you from making the same mistakes, here are five common hydration slip-ups and how to dodge them on race day!

1. Overhydrating – Guilty as Charged!

This is my personal favorite because I’ve been very guilty of it.  I was so worried about dehydration that I was constantly sipping water. And you know what happened? I had to pee—a lot. Anyone who’s ever raced with me has probably heard me ask for a pit stop way more times than necessary! While it might seem like a good idea to stay ahead of dehydration, overhydrating can cause hyponatremia, which basically dilutes your sodium levels and leaves you feeling like a zombie. So yeah, don’t drink too much! Hydration is about balance, not a competition to see how many water bottles you can knock back.

2. Not Drinking Enough – The Dehydration Dilemma

On the other hand, not drinking enough is a real issue too. Dehydration is sneaky—it starts creeping up on you while you’re laser-focused on the road, navigating tricky terrain. Suddenly, your concentration is slipping, your body’s feeling sluggish, and everything seems harder than it should be. You don’t want to reach this point. Keep water or electrolyte drinks within reach at all times, and take regular sips, even if you’re not thinking about it. A dry mouth halfway through the stage isn’t a good sign!

3. The Sugar Bomb – Beware of Carb Overload

Carbohydrate drinks are great for quick energy, but guzzling down super-sweet syrupy stuff? Not so much. If your drinks are loaded with sugar, you’ll probably end up feeling bloated or even queasy—definitely not ideal when you're trying to concentrate on your race line. The last thing you need in the middle of a rally is a stomach that feels like a washing machine on full spin! So, mix it up with lighter electrolyte drinks and water to keep things smooth on the inside.

4. Forgetting About Electrolytes – The Secret Sauce of Hydration

Electrolytes, particularly sodium, are the MVPs of rally hydration. When you’re sweating it out in the heat, you’re losing more sodium than you think. Skip the electrolytes, and you’re asking for cramps, poor performance, and a whole lot of regret. Sodium is your friend here—especially when the stages are long, hot, and grueling. Make sure your hydration game includes some salt to keep you in top form.

5. Post-Race Party – Easy Does It

After a long, exhausting race, it’s tempting to celebrate hard at the post-race party, guilty as charged!!! . If you’ve been sweating it out all day and then down a few too many drinks, you’ll feel the effects fast! Dehydration, fatigue, and alcohol are not a winning combo (but a cheap date for sure), and you really don’t want to be that guy on the dance floor showing off moves you’ll regret in the morning (and yes, someone will catch it on video). So, hydrate with water first, and celebrate smart—you’ll thank yourself later.

Hydration is a balancing act, and rally racing tests that balance to the max. I’ve learned (the hard way) that hydration is about finding the sweet spot—drink enough to stay sharp, but don’t overdo it unless you’re aiming for extra bathroom breaks. Take these lessons to heart, and you’ll be hydrated and ready for any rally stage that comes your way.

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